Jörg Bohlen - The personal webpage

Personal data

Name Jörg Bohlen
Academic titles Dr. rer. nat.; Dipl. Biol.
Present address Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics
Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
Laboratory of Fish Genetic
27721 Libĕchov
Czech Republic 
Date of birth 28.November 1965
Place of birth Oldenburg i.O., Germany
Citicenship German


Professional Experiences

Technical assistant Museum of Natural History and Prehistorics, Oldenburg
care for public aquarium section; organisation of exhibition; guiding of public groups
(August 1991- January 1993)
Diploma-student Max-Planck-Institute of Limnology, Plön
„in-situ grazing rates of Daphnia during spring in Lake Schöhsee near Plön“
(April 1993 – May 1994)
Ph.D. student Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin
Department Biology and Ecology of Fishes
„The autecology of spined loach, Cobitis taenia“ with special emphasis on the reproductive biology and ecology of early stages
(February 1996 – April 1999)
Researcher Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Czech Academy of Science, Libĕchov
(since May 1999)


Plenary Speech & Invited speeches

“Einige Aspekte der Ökologie früher Lebensstadien von Süsswasserfischen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Steinbeissers, Cobitis taenia“ VII. Symposium für Ökologie, Ethologie und Systematik der Fische, Stralsund (Germany), 9.-11.10.2003
“Fische, die sich nicht ans Lehrbuch halten – Verbreitung, genetische Identität und Evolution bei Steinbeißern in Mitteleuropa. “

Veranstaltungsreihe „Dresdner Zoologische Kolloquien“, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden (Germany), 18.12.2002
“Diversity of spined loaches in Europe” Conferences of the Museo National de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (Spain), 28.10.2002
“Diversity of spined loaches in Europe – state of the art and open questions” The 10th European Congress of Ichthyology, Prague (Czech Republic), 3.-7.9.2001
“Steinbeisser im Aquarium” Treffen des Arbeitskreises Kaltwasserfische und Fische der Subtropen, Marburg (Germany), 21.5.2000

„Zur Larvalökologie des Steinbeißers, Cobitis taenia.“ Ökologisches Kolloquium, Phillips-Universität Marburg (Germany), 13.4.1999

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