Research interests
My major interests are the autecology and zoogeography, both in the broader sense, of small freshwater fishes. My primary interest lays on fishes of Eurasia. During last years I worked mainly on loaches of the genera Cobitis and Sabanejewia. Regarding the autecology, I focuss on reproductive and larval biology. The best ideas on which factor may be important for the fish I get from field data and from observations of aquarium stocks. Afterwards, the potential mechanisms can be tested in laboratory experiments. My interest in zoogeography includes the distribution of fishes as well as the problems around their identification (by analyses of morphology and karyotype) and their relationships and dispersal (by comparing mtDNA sequences).
About Fishes
in english:
The Eschmeyer catalog of fishes – Browse the world-leading catalog about taxonomic state of most described fishes here online and free.
Fish base – The best address to obtain first information about fishes, either species, families etc, contains pictures and references.
European Ichthyological Society – An international, non-governmental organisation of scientists and individuals interested in ichthyology.
Freshwater Fishes of Russia – A new but fine site informing about topics around fishes in Russia, contains texts and pictures about the taxa as well as a literature database and a collection database.
Vendula’s homepage – contains information about this nice person as well as about ‚her‘ fish groups, especially sculpins (Cottus) and loaches (Botia).
Loaches online – The largest page I know about loach fishes.
in deutsch:
AKFS – Arbeitskreis Kaltwasserfische und Fische der Subtropen – Eine erst 1997 gegründete kleine Arbeitsgruppe innerhalb des VDA (Verband deutscher Vereine für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde e.V.), die Aquarianer, Biologen und Gartenteichler verbindet, die sich speziell mit der Pflege von Fischen, Pflanzen (und manchmal anderen Süsswassertieren) der gemässigten Breiten beschäftigen. – Allerlei rund um Schmerlen
Central European Spiders – Intelligent determination key for Central European spiders, allows start at families, genera and species. Basically an updated online version of Spinnen Mitteleuropas (“Central European Spiders”) from Heimer/Nentwig 1991.
in deutsch: – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wirbellose Tiere der Binnengewässer. Ein lockerer Zusammenschluss von Aquarianern und Biologen, die sich mit wirbellosen Tieren beschäftigen. Sehr informative Seiten. – Viele Informationen rund um Land- und Süsswassermollusken in Deutschlan. Artenliste, Institutsadressen und Linksammlung.
IAPG – The institute I work at.
ResearchGate – My Page
Linstep – the Companie who did this Page
You can visit the homepages of some of the cooperative journals under the following addresses: – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Wien – DATZ – Drosera – Folia Zoologica – Ichthyological Research – Italian Journal of Zoology – Journal of Fish Biology – Zoology in the Middle East